samkoAI: Cutting-edge optimization techniques for the future

The Product

samkoAI represents the next evolution in mobile ad revenue optimization. Powered by MAYO (Mobile Ad Yield Optimization), publishers can now liberate themselves from manual optimization settings in order to enhance their ad revenue performance. Utilizing SAMKO's advanced algorithm-based, server-side optimization solution, samkoAI efficiently handles billions of bid requests on a daily basis and automatically optimizes all relevant performance parameters in real time.


How it works

samkoAI is an advanced machine learning optimization system that has been developed through extensive research and expertise in the field of mobile ad monetization. With SAMKO's powerful server infrastructure processing billions of ad impressions, the algorithm continuously evaluates crucial parameters, meticulously analyzing fill rates and CPMs at a highly detailed level. Simultaneously, it considers various factors such as specific apps, formats, countries, devices, RTB exchanges, and ad networks, among others. This comprehensive approach allows for real-time optimization of all relevant parameters across applicable RTB exchanges and ad networks, ensuring maximum performance and revenue generation.

Uplift potential

samkoAI has increased ad revenue by over 100% for many of SAMKO's publishers. The team is constantly working to fine-tune the optimization algorithms and add new parameters to the solution. samkoAI can be combined with mobile header bidding setups to further increase performance.

Case Studies



Right from the start StepsApp registered an immediate revenue uplift of 179% within 6 months!



The integration of samkoAI (automated, machine learning based optimization) proved especially effective for the app and resulted in an increase of revenues to over 260%!


Lite Games

Freed up resources to work on apps. More than doubled their monthly ad revenues with SAMKO.

Performance Uplift


SAMKO has consistently achieved impressive results by generating a revenue uplift of over 100% for numerous publishers. The AI solution exclusively integrates top advertisers and Ad Networks, ensuring access to premium opportunities. Through the fully automated optimizations, SAMKO guarantees that your app always displays the highest-paying ad available, maximizing your revenue potential.

More revenue

By utilizing SAMKO's products and services, you can experience a substantial boost in your revenue.

Reporting and analytics

The dashboard delivers all important values and KPI’s at a glance. SAMKO gathers all relevant data from all partner Ad Networks via server side reporting interfaces.



SAMKO offers SDKs, Plug-Ins or server-side integration for all major mobile platform.


Join us

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Integrate SDK

Use our github and bitbucket repos to find the detailed technical documentation, on how to integrate the SDK.



After integrating the SDK. Once your app is live on the app stores, you will instantly see the results.


SDK and Documentation


SAMKO offers a comprehensive software development kit (SDK) designed specifically for mobile app developers seeking to monetize their applications through in-app advertising. The SAMKO SDK simplifies the integration process by incorporating all major mobile monetization SDKs into a single package, granting developers access to a wide range of relevant real-time bidding (RTB) exchanges and AdNetworks. With SAMKO's technology, developers can effortlessly incorporate various ad formats, such as banners, interstitials, and native ads, into their apps. The SDK also encompasses advanced targeting and optimization capabilities, including location-based targeting, frequency capping, and A/B testing. These features ensure that the ads displayed to users are both relevant and effective, enhancing the overall user experience. SAMKO's SDK empowers developers by providing them with a user-friendly and efficient solution to generate revenue from their apps while maintaining a seamless and enjoyable user experience.
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Our documentation provides essential information for publishers to ensure a seamless and secure experience with our products. We comply with age restrictions for apps and data protection regulations. Our SDK and plugin documentation includes installation instructions, usage examples, and troubleshooting guides. We also provide documentation on deprecated features, including alternative solutions and migration guides.
Learn more here!




SAMKO is a comprehensive mobile advertising platform specifically developed to assist app publishers in effectively monetizing a variety of mobile ad formats. With SAMKO, publishers have access to support for all relevant mobile ad formats, ensuring compatibility across diverse mobile devices. This flexibility enables advertisers to choose from a wide range of ad formats that best align with their specific needs and target audience. 

SAMKO offers support for an extensive range of mobile ad formats, catering to diverse advertising objectives and delivering unique advantages. These formats include: Interstitial Ads: Full-screen ads that appear at natural transition points within the app, capturing users' attention. Banner Ads: Displayed as rectangular banners at the top or bottom of the app screen, providing a consistent presence without interrupting the user experience. Native Ads: Seamlessly integrated ads that match the visual design and user experience of the app, resulting in a more organic and non-intrusive ad experience. Video Ads: Engaging and immersive ads in the form of short video clips that convey the message effectively and captivate users' attention. Rewarded Ads: Offered as an opt-in experience where users voluntarily watch ads in exchange for in-app rewards, encouraging higher engagement and longer session durations. By supporting these diverse ad formats, SAMKO empowers advertisers to choose the most suitable format(s) that align with their campaign goals and maximize user engagement and monetization opportunities. 

Interstitial ads are immersive, full-screen advertisements that are strategically placed between transitions in app content. They are highly effective for delivering impactful messaging, capturing users' attention, and generating desired actions or conversions. In contrast, banner ads are smaller ads that are typically positioned at the top or bottom of a mobile screen. They provide a constant presence throughout the app experience and can be utilized to increase brand awareness, display key information, or promote specific offers or products. Both interstitial and banner ads offer unique benefits and can be leveraged based on the specific goals and requirements of an advertising campaign. 

SAMKO's comprehensive support for all mobile ad formats empowers advertisers to craft customized ad campaigns tailored to their target audience and specific advertising goals. By having access to a diverse range of ad formats, advertisers can choose the formats that best align with their campaign objectives and effectively engage their desired audience. With the ability to leverage various ad formats, advertisers can optimize their campaigns to deliver the right message, in the right format, at the right time. Whether it's capturing attention with interstitial ads, increasing brand awareness with banner ads, driving user engagement with native ads, captivating with video ads, or incentivizing actions with rewarded ads, SAMKO's support for all mobile ad formats enables advertisers to create compelling and impactful campaigns that resonate with their target audience and drive desired outcomes.